Personal Injury » 6 Common Mistakes Made by Personal Injury Clients

6 Common Mistakes Made by Personal Injury Clients

Accidents are unavoidable; they can occur in virtually any place at any time. When they happen, and someone else is to blame, you do not want to make mistakes that could hurt your injury claim.

And for that reason, you’ll want to consult with dependable Houston personal injury attorneys to help you understand your specific injury claim and legal options. Doing this will not only ensure you avoid mistakes but will also help you get the full compensation you deserve.

Six of the most common mistakes that personal injury clients make.

1. Not seeking immediate medical attention

One common mistake that injury clients make is skipping to see a doctor after an accident. Maybe they think they can tough it out or don’t believe they are injured very badly and hope the pain will disappear on its own.

However, getting medical attention after sustaining an injury should be a priority, even without visible injuries. Some injuries, such as whiplash, can take time to show after an accident, and a medical checkup can help rule out the possibility of any internal injury.

Additionally, getting medical attention ensures that you get the proper medical documentation necessary in filing a claim. Without medical documentation, it can be challenging to prove your claim increasing the chances of losing it.

2. Failure to collect and safeguard the evidence

Understandably, some accident victims do not collect evidence in some circumstances, especially if their injuries or property damage is insignificant. In such cases, it can be complicated to prove your case, particularly if the other party decides to turn against you.

Therefore, it’s critical to gather all the necessary evidence available at the scene of your injury for safekeeping whenever possible. Evidence after an injury can include photos, video footage of the scene, talking to witnesses, and collecting their contacts.

3. Failing to hire a qualified attorney

It’s not unusual for personal injury clients to handle claims or lawsuits on their own. Such individuals often realize their mistakes much later when the other side starts putting up a fight on key issues or important deadlines sneak on them.

To improve your odds of winning a Houston personal injury claim, a good rule of thumb is to work with a reliable personal injury attorney right from the start. The right injury lawyer will advise you on how to approach your case, starting from filing your claim to negotiating a settlement on your behalf. Besides, if your case goes to court, a reliable attorney can be invaluable in representing you in court.

4. Delaying to file a personal injury claim

Personal injury lawsuits need to be filed within strict time limits. In Texas, for instance, personal injury clients have a two-year window from the time of the injury to file a lawsuit.

One of the main reasons you will need to hire a lawyer as soon as you sustain a personal injury is to help you determine the best time to file your claim. On top of that, hiring an attorney early enough allows you to gather all the evidence needed to file a claim in time and recover full compensation.

5. Accepting the initial offer

Insurance companies are business organizations looking to make profits. So, they will offer claimants quick and low settlement offers. Because of the rush to get over with the claim and clear the piling bills, some injury victims often accept the first offer. However, such a decision could see you losing out on your rightfully deserved compensation.

Before agreeing on a settlement with an insurance company, it is always best to consult with experienced Houston personal injury attorneys. A good lawyer will help you determine if the compensation is sufficient for the damages sustained.

6. Posting about your case on social media

When pursuing a personal injury claim, avoid posting details or photos about your accident on social media. Your social media posts concerning your injury count as statements and could be used against you by the opposing side’s lawyers, thus significantly hurting your claim.

Let a Houston personal injury lawyer handle your case

The chances of making a mistake when filing for a personal injury claim or lawsuit are often high. That’s where a reliable personal injury attorney comes in handy. Contact a Houston Personal injury attorneys today to get the answers and support you need.

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