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Lawyers in Jasper, AL

If you need a lawyer in Jasper, AL, you’ve come to the right place. Lawyer Map is the largest lawyer directory on the web and features 43 attorneys in Jasper, Alabama. Each lawyer’s profile includes their office location, contact information, area of practice, biography, and client recommendations. The directory makes finding a lawyer in Jasper, AL fast and easy. It also includes a map with free alcohol awareness classes near Jasper.

Attorney Ken Guin

If you are looking for a lawyer in Jasper, Alabama, you’ve come to the right place. Attorney Ken Guin has been in the law field for over 25 years. He is experienced in personal injury, Social Security disability, probate, and bankruptcy. In addition to his work as an attorney, Ken is an active member of his community. He is the chairman of the Southwest District of the North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church and has served as a member of the Walker Baptist Medical Center Board of Directors.

Attorney Ken Guin practices law in Jasper, Alabama, and the surrounding areas. His clients include individuals, businesses, and governmental entities. He represents Alabama Food Service, Inc., Alabama Pharmacy Association, American Pharmacy Cooperative, and Walker County. In addition to practicing law, Ken Guin is a certified mediator. Ken has a reputation for helping clients get the best possible results, and his goal is to give you the best possible legal representation.

Locations of free alcohol awareness classes near Jasper, Alabama

Drug and alcohol addiction are two major problems affecting the country. They cost an estimated $200 billion in 2007 and are a major contributor to lost productivity and legal fees. While Alabama is not immune to the drug and alcohol epidemic, the city of Jasper has seen its fair share of problems due to the widespread use of these substances. Listed below are the locations of free alcohol awareness classes in Jasper, Alabama.

Treatment is a vital part of long-term recovery. Many people in treatment are at higher risk for relapse than those who have not. Recovery groups meet regularly to help people stay on the road to recovery. Jasper has many treatment facilities and resources to assist those in recovery. Find free alcohol awareness classes in Jasper to learn more about DUI treatment and how you can prevent a relapse.

Addiction treatment takes time and patience. In Jasper, Alabama, many people are unable to complete their program because it requires months to see significant improvements. Many people who struggle with alcohol addiction are not yet ready to face the challenges of treatment. There are also many ways to overcome addiction and become sober again. For the most part, alcohol and drug rehab in Jasper, Alabama will be free of charge.

Cost of hiring an attorney in Jasper, Alabama

The fees charged by an attorney in Jasper, Alabama are not standard and can vary from lawyer to lawyer. The fee can range from $40 to $1500 per hour. This information is vitally important when hiring an advocate. The fees charged by attorneys in Jasper are not set in stone and should be discussed before engaging their services. If you are unsure about the fees charged by an attorney, you should consult with a local legal aid center or ask your lawyer.

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